Learning Support
SEND and Inclusion
Welcome to OAFr Learning Support
The school ethos of students first is at the very heart of what we do. We believe that helping students to achieve their best is a partnership between school, home and any relevant agencies that are working with a student. We are proud of the support that we have in place for our students and are always working to improve and expand the support that we can offer. Supporting students in school is very much a team effort that includes every member of staff, both teaching and support staff.
We invite you have a look around our website so you can get to know a bit more about us, our resources and our team.
We know that transition to secondary school school is a huge step for all students and for students with additional needs this is even more so. We hope that this website will provide you with information about Learning Support at OAF as well answering any questions you may have. If you want to anymore information please email learning-support@groups.freeston.outwood.com
Mrs Taylor-Swift
Inclusion Manager
Mrs Coultous
SENCO and Business Studies Teacher